5 years ago | |
LICENSE | 5 years ago | |
ProxyHelper.php | 5 years ago | |
ProxyHelperFacade.php | 5 years ago | |
README.md | 5 years ago | |
example.php | 5 years ago |
This is a basic helper for using laravel controllers as proxy servers. It allows you to forward exact requests to another server and return their response. Supports all methods, and also files.
This helper require Laravel 7 or later. If you need a lower version, just replace the http client with Guzzle.
What it does
Its main function is to make requests from one point to another using laravel as a proxy.
Normal request:
Client ---> Server2
GET server2.test/api/avatar/color
Request with this helper:
Client ---> Laravel ---> Server2
GET laravel.test/api/proxy/api/avatar/color
- Works with all GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, PATCH, DELETE methods
- Works with all formats: JSON / Multipart / www-form-urlencoded
- Supports files and any type of parameters supported by the original requests
- Allows you to add headers, authorization, and custom options.
- Returns the actual request (both content and status code)
- Allows calls to be made dynamically (i.e., any request the customer may have)
How to add it
Since it is not a package, it may seem more tedious, but it is very simple.
1. Copy both files:
y ProxyHelper.php
in the folder you prefer from your laravel project, I've used: App\Helpers
If you use a diferent folder, change the namespaces of both files.
2. Add the facade to your laravel project.
Go to the file: App\Providers\AppServiceProvider.php
and in the method register()
adds the facade:
$this->app->bind('ProxyHelper', function($app) {
return new ProxyHelper();
remember that you need to import the class (not the one called facade) in App\Providers\AppServiceProvider.php
use App\Helpers\ProxyHelper; //or your path
3. Import it wherever you're going to use it.
Now you're gonna use the facade.
use App\Helpers\ProxyHelperFacade;
to call him:
How to use
It's pretty basic, but you can modify it according to your needs.
The constructor requires an object Illuminate\Http\Request
From there you can forward the request to another server, or a specific url, or if you want to modify/add some options.
I'll show you an example:
1. Create controller (or could be middleware)
In my API drivers: routes\api.php
(could be web, doesn't matter)
I have created a route to receive any kind of request, and redirect it as to another host.
Route::match(['get', 'post', 'head', 'patch', 'put', 'delete'] , 'proxy/{slug}', function(Request $request){
})->where('slug', '([A-Za-z0-9\-\/]+)');
This route accepts any call (POST,GET..) and any route from /proxy, i.e. my.laravel.test/api/proxy/*
So, when you want to call my server2
, I'll do it this way:
Suppose I want to call GET my.server2.test/api/avatar/color
, I'll do it like this:
GET my.laravel.test/proxy/api/avatar/color
2. Use ProxyHelper (Basic)
I will continue to show the example inside the controller we have created.
Route::match(['get', 'post', 'head', 'patch', 'put', 'delete'] , 'proxy/{slug}', function(Request $request){
// To redirect the request to a different host, the first parameter will be the host.
// the second, will be the current path that we want to ignore, it must be the url of the controller (api/proxy)
//so we're telling you that the new url will be:
// (host) http://my.server2.test + (deleted)[api/proxy] + ({slug}) /api/avatar/color
return ProxyHelperFacade::CreateProxy($request)->toHost('http://my.server2.test','api/proxy');
//other way is to tell him the url directly.
return ProxyHelperFacade::CreateProxy($request)->toUrl('http://my.server2.test/api/avatar/color');
// this second way will no longer be dynamic.
})->where('slug', '([A-Za-z0-9\-\/]+)');
3. Options
Once we've seen how to make it dynamic or static, there are a few options:
Route::match(['get', 'post', 'head', 'patch', 'put', 'delete'] , 'proxy/{slug}', function(Request $request){
return ProxyHelperFacade::CreateProxy($request)
// add a header before sending the request
->withHeaders(['x-custom' => 'customHeader'])
// add a Bearer token (this is useful for the client not to have the token, and from the intermediary proxy we add it.
//Maintain the query of the url.
})->where('slug', '([A-Za-z0-9\-\/]+)');
some more:
And that's it, I hope it helps you, if you want to add more things like custom cookies, follow the same dynamics of the file, it's very simple.